Statement of Values

Dugan & Lopatka’s values are standards by which our business choices are made. They are revealed in the context of how we relate to both each other and those outside our firm.

We believe that the integrity of a firm’s structure is dependent upon its values. The sum of all our behavior, which reveals our values, represents our firm culture. We believe we will continue our growth and success because of the values outlined below:

Worth of the Individual

We will practice the “Golden Rule” in decision making. We will respect human life, dignity, and rights of each including the consideration of their health, welfare, and work environment. We will seek to give positive affirmation and recognition.

Family and Stability in Relationships

The family is the foundation unit of every society. The family has a higher priority than the firm and its profitability. We will support putting the needs of the family first.

Honest and Truthful Communication

We will strive to be genuine, open, and aboveboard in all relationships. We will honestly and accurately report the facts.

Truth with Integrity

We will be reliable, dependable, and can be counted on to keep our promises, within the promised time frame.

Responsibility of the Individual as a Part of a Team

Each member of the Dugan & Lopatka family will accept individual accountability for the use of our time, talents, and firm resources. We, as a firm, will aim to motivate each other by praise rather than criticism to create an atmosphere of productivity and freedom to admit individual mistakes in order to accomplish our team goals.

Balance of Work/Rest

Vacations and breaks will be encouraged so that proper rest, recreation, and reflection will maximize the long-term effectiveness and productivity of the individual and the entire team. We believe in working hard, but not necessarily in working unproductive, long hours just for the sake of appearance.

Rewarding Productivity

In every way possible, we will seek to reward industriousness, innovation, initiative, prudence, and discipline. Our focus is to develop our full potential, the natural results of which is reaping the rewards of our efforts.

Everyone is Accountable to Authority

Any enterprise must have structure and organization. Every person is accountable to a higher authority.

Servant Leaders

Within every organization there are many managers, but few leaders. Effective leaders will be servants who have attracted a following because of their passion, vision, integrity, and love for their people. We will make every effort to develop this kind of leader.


We will strive to use wisely and prudently the resources with which we have been entrusted.